Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

I love Christmas, the hustle and bustle, the decorations and lights, family togetherness. It also makes for some great photo ops too.  In the rush of the season here are some things to remember to help you get your shot:
1. If you are going out of town, don't forget to pack your camera.
2. Make sure you battery is charged and it is always a good idea to have a back up.
3. Consider the light in the room. A flash might be needed, or tripod(if there is time to set up) or I like using my 50mm because it is good in low light situations with f1.4. Aperture priority is also helpful because one minute you may be shooting a group where you want everyone in focus or the next minute you may be shooting the Christmas tree where you want the tree but the background out of focus.
4.Take photos of the preparation stages, cooking, gift wrapping, setting the table and so on. These are great story telling images that are not so posed.

5. Take pictures of family interactions, great memories recorded. Fill the frame, it gives more of an impact when your subjects are not in the distance. Take photos of everyone present.
6. Explore your neighborhood or town. Wonderful lights and sometimes interesting decorations.
7. Have someone include you in a photo or two. If you are like me, it is sometimes like I wasn't even at the event because I am always behind the camera.
8. After Christmas, I take pictures of my decorations. Makes things easier the next year.
9. And lastly, enjoy the holidays, take a breath and count your blessings.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Happy shooting!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Take it when you see it!

Have you ever seen a shot and wished you had your camera. Opportunity missed. Or if you had your camera and you were in a hurry going somewhere and couldn't stop but regretted getting the shot later.  Sometimes these shots are unexpected treasures. Subjects you don't go looking for but present themselves.
A lot of the time the image can not be recaptured. When you see something worth photographing,(and you have your camera) take the shot! Sometimes the hesitation means losing the moment. The following photo was not the original shot that I saw. I saw a dog curled up on the chair fast asleep. And the Beware of Dog signed seemed humorous since the dog did not seem to be a threat. I did not take the shot immediately but turned around to pass back by and when I stopped, the dog gave meaning to the sign posted. I would have rather gotten the original image that I saw with the dog sleeping. This image is a little disturbing to me because I do not like seeing dogs chained up. I have passed by the house since this image was taken and the family and dog no longer live there. So no more sleeping dog image.

The point is, if you see it, take it. Other wise there may not be a next time. And even if the next time were to present itself, all elements of the original (lighting for instance) may not be the same.
Happy spontaneous shooting!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


When photographing nature or anything outside for that matter, clouds can make the image. Imagine the image below without the clouds....not as nice a photo.
Clouds add texture to a grey sky. They add interest to a blue sky. Clouds are very characteristic. Each day they are different. Somedays they look thick enough to walk on and some days they are just wisps in the sky. Clouds can also make interesting reflections in the window of buildings or in water, pond, stream, lake or puddle. They sometimes are dense enough to cast shadows. 
I remember as a child, laying on my back in the grass looking up at the sky trying to conjure up characters out of the shapes in the clouds. So now I always check the sky for cloud condition. 

Now that's a cloud!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nature Undisturbed

Reaching Out
Nature photography is great because you get to be outside. Trees are another favorite subject . Different seasons, different weather, different times of day, so many factors change the subject. Each tree is unique. It can be from the same family such as oak or pine but it still brings it's own uniqueness, just as people do. Weather, wind, rain, sun-all factors in making each tree it's own individual self, just as we are changed by things that have happened in our lives that makes us each unique. Different shapes, bends, heights, all making each tree an individual.
A Little Bend

If you love being outside photographing in nature, check out an upcoming photography contest, Nature Undisturbed
This contest was started by Donna Rosser, the Barefoot Photographer  four years ago when she was approached by the Southern Conservation Trust to began a photo show that would benefit the trust. The show is scheduled to open March 17, 2011 at Dogwood Gallery where it began four years ago. The deadline for entry is Dec 17, 2011. 
Be a part of this event!

Sam's Lake Bird Sanctuary

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Still Life Photography

Still life photography- the photography of inanimate objects purposefully arranged and lit.


I enjoy setting up still life shots. There is something satisfying about capturing something as I pictured it in my mind. I usually use natural light, sometimes setting up outdoors for more light.

Green Pea

I like what light direction and shadows add to the photo.
                               or using available window light.
Morning Coffee

Sometimes setting up the shoot takes a different turn than the original plan. The original plan may not work for one reason or another, lighting, balance, colors whatever. just keep arranging until it works, like you pictured it in your mind.


Monday, September 19, 2011


The Crossword

People are interesting subjects for photographing. I will often use black and white so that the background is not distracting to the subject.

Blue Icing
Sometimes color is necessary and possibly a little gross.

                                                                                                                       Sometimes just part of a person is interesting, or the back instead of the front.
Teen Jeans
Polka Dots by the Sea

Adding texture to the photo can add to the feeling of the photo. (Grain and grunge textures were added here.)

And often people don't have to be the main subject to add to a photo. 
The Line Up
Every Wednesday                 
I often get a story in my mind about the people. I saw this couple eating quietly at their table. Just the way that they interacted you could see that they were so comfortable with each other. The interaction that they had with the waiters told me that eating at this establishment was something they did regularly. These people "spoke" to me and I had to capture this moment.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Keeping your eyes open

Sun Dancers
My perception of the world grows with my camera. Just the use of a camera encourages me to keep my eyes open. And sometimes, if I'm lucky, a picture will find me.  This is what happened the day that I took this picture. I did not go to Sam's Lake Bird Sanctuary to take this photo. I was just walking with my camera and the sunlight happened to point out this shot for me. It looked like 2 dancers to me, hence the name.
Here are more photos I have taken at Sam's Lake. 
Water Lily

Blue Ripples

Water Lilly 2

For more information about Sam's Lake please go to:

Monday, September 12, 2011



There is 
like being outside 
on a sunny day 
where the 
temperature is 
about 80 degrees 
and there is no 
pure heaven!

Gardening is a meditation for me. Digging  in the dirt, planting, watch the fruits of  your labor is rewarding. Photographing flowers and plants never gets tiresome for me. Every season is different, and as long as the wind is not  blowing you have the perfect subject.  They don't move or complain. The quiet is regenerating.

Sitting outside with a cool drink watching  the sprinkler go back and relaxation!
Wisteria Arbor

Friday, September 9, 2011

Opening a door

I thought it appropriate to post "Conveniently Located" since it is a door and I feel that I am opening one starting this blog. I took this photo in my hometown in North Carolina. It is one of those small southern towns with alot of personality and charm.
Conveniently Located

For me, one thing about photography is that it makes me look at things differently. I often end up photographing subjects that were not  my originally intended subjects.Sometimes the unexpected presents itself. Often these shots become some of my favorites. Below are some other images that I have taken there.

Ice Cream
Center Theater

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you'll visit often.